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All Things Therapy

Apr 27, 2023

I discuss why meditation and activation can help you feel happier every day. The benefits are cumulative and exponential. Join me Mon-Fri on Instagram at for 2-5 minute guided meditations and activations so that you can experience more health, wealth, love, and joy. Sessions with...

Apr 13, 2023

Hold onto your seats with this episode! I invite you to join me for my morning meditation practice Monday through Fridays on Instagram at and today I share some personal stuff that has fueled me in my life as much as it challenged me to dig deep to be my best self as much as I know...

Apr 6, 2023

Heather Stuart hosts the 'Back to Me' podcast and is a Prosperity Flow Life Coach. Listen to learn how she can help you to allow more abundance into your life. Sessions and offerings at

* A beautiful guided meditation that I start my mornings with (and it's free!)...