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All Things Therapy

Oct 26, 2023

Rachel Garrett is both an R.N. and a skilled healer with certifications as a practitioner working with: the Akashic Records, Crystal Healing, an Angelic Medium channelling messages from the angels (She channelled a profoundly HEALING message for me surrounding romantic love), and she hosts, Spiritual Spotlight Series- a...

Oct 19, 2023

Chris Burres is Chief Science Officer and Founder of MyVitalC, offering biohacking products to extend longevity and health backed my scientific research. We discuss Carbon molecules and their relationship to our health and how MyVitalC nourishes the Mitochondria of our cells to facilitate us living longer with optimal...

Oct 13, 2023

Megan Sherer is an expert in All Things Healing! She is certified in hypnotherapy, somatic healing, life coaching, yoga & meditation. She hosts the Well, Then podcast found here: Learn more and work with her at:

Oct 4, 2023

Suzi B. hosts Habits and Humor podcast, is a TedX Speaker as a Habits Coach, is a personal trainer, and author of, "Life Conscious." We discuss how it really takes 40-60 days for a new habit to be fully integrated into your subconscious mind to be an auto pilot, and tips and tricks to get yourself there! Suzi offers...